Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
1Sporty Rubbish Premier League51.0926
3Sporty Rubbish Euros71.0789
4the Spivey McGill trophy @ Qatar '2271.0789
5League of Champions51.0189
6DST 2018 World Cup 61.0000
7Viridor super league 70.9868
8Elite Euro league 160.9692
9World Cup Predict Lah 50.9636
10Handley League 1120.9542
11Amir EPL League 60.9474
12CUP FEVER50.9444
14JIM JAMS50.9444
16League of Hudsons60.9385
17WGL Euro League70.9355
18Donkeys And Monkeys!60.9231
19WLG WC202260.9216
20Headquarters euro 70.9211
21Headquarters Choice 110.9167
22#gag#you forgot your predictions50.9074
23WGLSL World Cup ‘1850.9000
24WSL 2020 lock down league50.9000
27Big nob60.8939
29Wednesday's Whoppers60.8939
30Lead Advisory Company50.8936
31FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 50.8909
32McIntosh cup Scottish edition 50.8909
33Mcintosh World Cup 50.8909
34Gr8 Football Minds - Euro League80.8851
35GR8 Football Minds - WC 202280.8851
37Allianz Engineering80.8846
39Kings of Europe70.8816
40Tommy Baldwin70.8816
42Here we go again50.8727
43Thomas Family & Friends50.8727
44Thomas Family + Friends50.8727
45Sempions 50.8704
46Oatcake Prediction League 2024/2570.8701
47Almost Pundits!! 70.8684
49Rose & Crown Piss Pots90.8652
50Swindon prem predictors120.8636
51World Cup Comp 2260.8636
53LMS Predictions 24/25180.8579
54Dads & Grandads50.8545
55FD Discord 2022 World Cup50.8545
56I'm betting on Iran50.8545
57No sweepstake here!50.8545
58The Vindaloo Elite League 50.8545
59Prembet 24/2580.8472
60Little men with large heads140.8442
61Russells Premier League 110.8440
62wonkys 2021 euro compaction80.8409
64HUNTER EURO 202450.8364
65Hand of Pog80.8354
67Scalywag World cup50.8333
68World Cup 2018 Predictor50.8333
692024/25 Premier League Challenge70.8312
7024/25 Research Predictor League70.8312
71Above Board Goes Euro70.8312
72Above Board Predictor70.8312
73Have the Tax Reports gone out?70.8312
74Soon be Christmas70.8312
75Bully's Heroes60.8308
76Football Legends110.8305
77Kings of the North80.8295
78Kings Of The North WC202280.8276
79AMSL WC18100.8273
80It Matters More When There's Money On It100.8273
81Obi Wan – Kenobi Nil100.8273
82Ere We Go Ere We Go Again90.8265
83Epl 2024/2580.8235
84DJ Daz Predictor League120.8231
85Euro Championship Challenge60.8182
86No Clive's group50.8182
87Predicta Chaps Euros Edition60.8182
88X LEGACY World Cup Lords of Chepstow70.8182
89EPL Predict Lah 150.8171
91Kings of the North110.8083
92Numpties World Cup110.8083
93Euro 2480.8068
94Saka Potatoes80.8068
95RUSSIA 2018240.8059
96The Euro’s70.8052
98The Stals World Cup 70.8052
99Numpties League220.8033
100Mcintosh cup 60.8030
101Scooby Doo Cup60.8030
102Scooby Doo Cup60.8030
103FD Discord 23/24130.8028
104So you think you know football?60.8000
105WGL+ Super League 2023/24 100.7979
106DJ Daz Predictor League - Euro Edition150.7975
107Roermond 23150.7963
108Roermond 20/21130.7955
109Veolia pot Hunters150.7950
110Roermond 21/22140.7947
112Jane Ramsay memorial 180.7919
113Delta League70.7910
114EURO2020 LV60.7879
115Jambo Bwana60.7879
116London Road Elite league 60.7879
117Euro Football Legends100.7870
118Roermond 22/23150.7857
120WGSL 2018-1960.7843
121LoC Money Competition240.7841
122Sporting Beerguts80.7841
123Universal Soldiers80.7841
124Agile Timid Fly50.7818
125Never lost at Wembley 2019/20 50.7818
126Roermond on tour 19/20110.7818
128Premier League Predictor 2024-202580.7816
129AC Hoylake Heaton World Cup Prediction League60.7813
130Fergie Time REVAMPED!100.7798
1312clearets 1white2reds and an owl60.7797
133JDI - Euro 202060.7797
134Predict 24/2560.7797
135LMS Euro Predictions League90.7778
136premier league90.7778
137Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2570.7763
138Brit/Am World Cup 202270.7763
139Euros 202470.7763
140World Cup 2022130.7762
141Avondale University 90.7755
142Erbl league 130.7730
143habib che60.7727
144Nafferton League60.7727
145Nafferton Mini League60.7727
146Singapore World Cup 201860.7727
147PB Golf & All Stars 2024 - 25310.7713
148Lords of Chepstow350.7708
149Neil’s Knights. 60.7692
151MILFORD prediction league 2024/202590.7677
152Nearly in Doubt 80.7674
153Premier Predictors70.7662
154Victoria Concordia Praedictionem 50.7660
155Ya Gunners Ya!50.7660
156Goals Allowed110.7658
157Elstead Royal British Legion 210.7642
158Deli allstars 250.7636
159EURO 2024150.7636
160Euros 202450.7636
161Shrubb league50.7636
162Shrubb World Cup 202250.7636
163The Shrubb World Cup 201850.7636
164Zac Norman 80.7632
165Roermond on Euro tour150.7613
166Hoghton 2nds70.7612
168Game of Throw-ins90.7576
169GLORY BOYS90.7561
170Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group100.7545
171Beautiful Game Season 10220.7532
172World Cup 22190.7525
173The Kings of the North140.7516
174Prem 24/25150.7515
177Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group World Cup80.7500
178World Cup 2022 Predictor Challenge70.7500
181Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group50.7455
182Predicta 2018 World Cup90.7449
183Jumpers For Goalposts130.7447
184Latchmere FA50.7447
185Sweedish Snow300.7434
186Euro 24210.7411
187Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group70.7403
188The Iron Maiden "Made in Baden-Baden" Prediktor Player's Plate70.7403
189The Sir Joe Shiels Shield 70.7403
190World Cup 2270.7403
191Kearnsy's Russian Roulette120.7398
192Scottish Masters 2021-2280.7386
193VT Predict the Football 80.7386
194Summer thursdays90.7374
195Thursday night90.7374
196Shattered Dreams70.7368
197The Deery WC 18 Challenge 70.7368
198Aubard’s Therapist80.7356
199Kane’s Trophy Cabinet80.7356
200Leaning Tower of Saka’s Fugazzi Legacy80.7356
201Perez’s Bribery Fund80.7356
202Bertling EURO 2024 League70.7353
203Bertling Premier League70.7353
204Are we still having a bank holiday?90.7347
205The London Stagecoachers130.7324
207Premier League540.7309
208Over 40's League1150.7279
209Big Gay World Cup 2022, with 6500 dead workers YAY...screw you FIFA, screw you Qatar80.7273
210FT World Cup Predictor60.7273
211Hunter League [TH] 2024/2560.7273
212Hunter World Cup 202260.7273
213Own Goal50.7273
214Own goal euro50.7273
215PANGAS Euro League60.7273
216Pangas World Cup 202260.7273
218Predictor 24/25230.7273
219PREM PREDICTOR 2022/202350.7273
220R alack false nose and glasses 50.7273
221Roker Enders70.7273
222Show me da Mané160.7273
223Toilet Shop140.7273
224Whistl Euro 2016 league70.7273
225World Cup 2022 - Thailand Predictors210.7261
226Careful what you wish for!200.7251
227Kearnsy's Euro Predictor 2024 Germany170.7247
228EPL 2023/2490.7245
229Katy Premiership80.7241
230Cadbury Athletic200.7227
231European Champs Itch....whaaaat50.7222
232Football Is Life Innit100.7222
233Itch What?50.7222
235Family League 80.7159
236Family League 202480.7159
237Isoprime - the buffet slayers80.7159
238Qatarpillars of Creation150.7152
239League of London70.7143
240Anyone but Oli!170.7135
243Bertling World Cup 201860.7121
244GLORY BOYS110.7115
245greek gods 2 divisions300.7115
246AC Hoylake Heaton Euros Predictor League90.7113
247 That’s Howe You Do It Trophy110.7107
248Mythos Cup 6 110.7107
249Football Legends100.7103
250Aviss Challenge League120.7099