Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
1ABU Daskot Division81.3889
2League of Champions51.2121
3Premier Predictors61.1429
4Cams Hill United61.1250
5A few good men71.1163
6Deli allstars 251.1143
7Toffees,vs,United,vs,Hammers,vs City,vs Gunners!51.1143
8The QVC Euro Prediction Punters51.0909
9Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2581.0784
10Brit/Am World Cup 202281.0784
11Euros 202481.0784
12The Button League (again)61.0769
13Longs Leprechauns61.0476
14Cams Hill United71.0435
15Nuts are Us71.0426
16Meriden Cyclists+111.0405
17Not so Hotspur51.0294
18England to win the European Championships 51.0286
1919 times *x19 League #stillunbearable61.0256
20Coming forth to Karius home61.0256
21AT & Friends League61.0250
22Scott's gamblers anonymous 121.0238
23Deli Allstars 51.0000
24Euro Special League71.0000
25Real madrid fans51.0000
26schmitz Fa Cupx51.0000
27Suspect Predictors151.0000
28The QVC Prediction Punters81.0000
29Predicta Chaps 2024/25230.9806
30R alack false nose and glasses 50.9697
31Scott's Gamblers Anonymous 140.9556
32Its coming home60.9459
33Predicta Chaps 2021/22240.9444
34Squash For ALL50.9429
36The Devils Buttermilk50.9394
37La Coupe du Monde 70.9362
38The Gimp League 2024/25 (In memory of Dennis & Jim)130.9333
39Bully's Heroes50.9310
40Zonal Euros70.9302
41Zonal WC201870.9302
42Ball Euro90.9286
45Kent Special League80.9259
47Goals Allowed100.9077
48AC Hoylake Heaton World Cup Prediction League60.9048
49Ickle World Cup90.9048
50Toddington Walking Football60.9048
51Predicta Chaps 2023/24240.9000
52Saka Potatoes90.8983
53Predicta Chaps 2022/23300.8960
54Fark Footie World Dumpster Fire Cup70.8936
55World Cup 2022 Predicta 140.8936
56Mythos Cup 6 80.8889
57HUNTER EURO 202450.8857
58Predict The Premiership League200.8857
59AC Hoylake Heaton Predictor League60.8810
60Larky 23/2460.8810
61QVC World Cup Prediction League60.8810
63Zonal Predictor 24-2570.8723
64GOTT Delivery Champions50.8710
66FT Champions League60.8684
67FT Euro League 201660.8684
68Mon the Scotland 120.8684
69They think it's all over....140.8673
70Uslaaaag 70.8667
72El Sombrero100.8594
73Game of Throw-ins100.8594
74BG league70.8571
76Plane Loco50.8571
77Quit when you're winning60.8571
78Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group50.8571
79Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group50.8571
80Zonal Euro 2460.8571
81Erbl league 120.8554
83World Cup 202280.8545
84William Hill Region 1 - Women's Euros 70.8511
85The League of Ordinary Gentlemen90.8448
86La Liga150.8431
87Ligue 1150.8431
88Red Issue EURO 2016 League100.8429
8924/25 Research Predictor League60.8421
90Euros 202460.8421
91Shrubb league60.8421
92Shrubb World Cup 202260.8421
93The Shrubb World Cup 201860.8421
94Euro League120.8395
95Obi Wan – Kenobi Nil120.8375
96Above Board Goes Euro70.8367
97Above Board Predictor70.8367
98Soon be Christmas70.8367
99no mythos allowed in Qatar 90.8361
100Bertling EURO 2020 League270.8333
101DST 2018 World Cup 60.8333
102EURO 202460.8333
103Fark Euros Clown Shoe Dumpster Fire league70.8298
104Big nob60.8250
105Wednesday's Whoppers60.8250
106wonkys 2021 euro compaction60.8250
107Serie A140.8247
108Euro 'bout to be Kaned50.8235
109Henderson Utd110.8219
110Ickleford boys Euros100.8209
111Premier League Herts50.8182
112Shrubb league50.8182
113Little men with large heads140.8144
116Euro 2024 Predictions160.8125
117Kings of the North70.8125
118Hunter League [TH] 2024/2560.8095
119Hunter World Cup 202260.8095
121Whey aye Man!60.8095
122Fark Fitba Prediction League 2024/25100.8088
125Kings of Europe70.8085
126Euro2024 Predictors League50.8065
128JDI - Euro 202060.8056
129Predict 24/2560.8056
130Champions league110.8052
132Dads & Grandads50.8000
133European Champs Itch....whaaaat50.8000
134Fylde 8450.8000
135Fylde 84 - Premier league50.8000
136Fylde 84 Euros 2150.8000
137Here we go again50.8000
138It's all in the stars50.8000
139Itch What?50.8000
141New Jersey Celtics50.8000
142No sweepstake here!50.8000
143Predicta 2018 World Cup100.8000
144The Difference #50.8000
145Thailand Euro 2016140.7979
146Premier League Predictor 2024-202580.7963
147Tommy Baldwin80.7963
148League of London70.7959
149Peter Torpey's a cult and he'll always be a cult....140.7959
150The Ickle Boys130.7955
151footy corner70.7949
152premier league60.7949
153Jim To Beat (again)50.7941
154League of 'tards50.7941
155Lee to beat 50.7941
156Not Russian to work 201850.7941
157Steven to beat50.7941
158Super League140.7938
159Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group World Cup90.7937
160The League of Stars50.7931
161The Anyone But Pete League!110.7922
162World Cup 2022150.7921
163BSBG Score Predictor League70.7907
164Championship Predictor 280.7897
165FT World Cup Predictor60.7895
166#gag#you forgot your predictions50.7879
167Elstead Royal British Legion 210.7877
168Euro 2021 Predictions160.7870
169WHO WANTS THE CUP?110.7867
170I'm betting on Iran60.7857
171League of London120.7857
172PANGAS Euro League60.7857
173Pangas World Cup 202260.7857
176The Pride of Palmerspeak Predictor 2024/25370.7849
177Show me da Mané180.7833
178Cadbury Athletic200.7826
179EURO 2020-21 Prediction League150.7826
180Roermond on tour 19/20100.7797
181Footy Banter Group THE ORIGINAL & BEST400.7778
182Predictions 2024/25180.7778
183Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group90.7778
184RI World Cup 22220.7763
185Headquarters Choice 110.7746
186Essex United50.7714
188BG Football League120.7711
189BG's EPL Predictor League60.7692
190Esken Renewables80.7679
191The Beechwood Premier League80.7679
192EPL Prediction 2023/24120.7671
193Kings Of The North WC202280.7636
194ZILIGIN 90.7636
195Lost36 Premier League70.7632
196AC Hoylake Heaton Euros Predictor League60.7619
197german gods 2 divisions350.7613
198Alchemy Serie 'A'50.7576
199Doha Enders50.7576
200Bugz to beat 60.7561
201Dave to beat (yet again)60.7561
202The London Stagecoachers130.7561
203Brothers league70.7551
204Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group70.7551
205Are we still having a bank holiday?90.7541
206I don't understand the bonus points?90.7541
207League Of Legends 110.7532
208For the folks back home130.7528
209Premier League530.7507
2102019/2020 Prediction League 70.7500
212Headquarters euro 80.7500
213Hornets inc80.7500
214Williams Premier80.7500
215The best of the best!90.7460
216Jane Ramsay memorial 180.7459
217Gooners 2024/202570.7447
218Italian Icons 2 divisions320.7432
219Roermond 20/21130.7432
220Boykot Qatar50.7429
221Champion predictor50.7429
222Red issue50.7429
224The Vindaloo Elite League 50.7429
225C L 2021100.7424
226Kings of the North90.7419
227The Kings of the North90.7419
228Anyone But United90.7414
229Pantry Punters League90.7414
231Neville wears Prada120.7407
232Simply Unpredictable80.7407
233Handley League 1130.7386
234Hand of Pog60.7381
235Let's laugh at Southgate60.7381
236Mcintosh cup 60.7381
237McIntosh cup Scottish edition 60.7381
238Mcintosh World Cup 60.7381
239SWEATY SOCKS 2 divisions340.7371
240Fergie Time REVAMPED!90.7368
241Veolia pot Hunters140.7368
242Qatarpillars of Creation160.7364
243Shelf Farm Coychurch160.7364
244Mossman's Euro Predictor League110.7361
245The wafflers premiership 80.7358
246Football's Coming Home!70.7347
247Mauritius World Cup 202270.7347
248The Hugh Johns Star Soccer League70.7333
249EURO 2024150.7327
250Johnny's Super League180.7321