Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
501Predict the premiership 150.5800
502Teva Boys 50.5800
503The Kings of the North50.5800
504U21 Jd championship 70.5797
505Farne Premiership200.5775
5063 Points No Receipt Nice Day50.5714
507League of champions50.5714
508Paisley Predictor League 50.5714
509PFS and 1 night shift guy 50.5714
510VIP Euros60.5690
511Kadıköy SK - Champions League50.5652
512Kadıköy SK - Premier League50.5652
513Ridge's Euro Predictor140.5643
514El Sombrero90.5618
515The Defectors League60.5614
516Scramhead World Cup50.5600
517Englands Flops70.5522
518Bdo all stars70.5507
519The Defectors League60.5439
520Burn baby burn100.5400
522Go-Ahead World Cup 2018 60.5345
523VC Glasgow Championship60.5345
524VG Euro 202160.5345
525Volunteer Glasgow60.5345
526Lead Advisory Company60.5263
527Alan and Brian footy leagu60.5167
528Farne Champions League90.5056
529Farne FA Cup50.4898
530Revenge of The Fallen50.4898
531Farne Euro 2016120.4867