Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
251Barrier league50.5800
252Scottish Masters 2021-2250.5800
253The 2016 Euro Prediction League Sponsored by "VOTE LEAVE"80.5750
254AMSL WC1880.5625
255Alchemy Serie 'A'50.5600
256The Relegators130.5574
257It’s Coming Home 202250.5510
258BG league60.5500
259CSKA 194870.5429
261Not the 3 O'Clock Kick-Off50.5400
262Sad sacks European league70.5143
263Pantry Punters League60.5085
264I love PP2, especially the lunch options!60.5000
265kd boys50.5000
266Almost the Guestbook Gang !!50.4800