Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
251TS Dreamers350.7131
252LMS Euro Predictions League90.7128
253The best of the best!80.7126
254Suspect Predictors160.7118
255TS Dreamers 270.7117
256Euro 2480.7108
257Williams Premier70.7101
258The Ickle Boys130.7099
259Kings Of The North WC202280.7093
260Sporting Beerguts80.7093
261Universal Soldiers80.7093
262Hoghton 2nds50.7091
263League of London110.7083
264Hotspur Hippie League of Peace190.7071
266C L 23-2480.7059
267Careful what you wish for!190.7053
268It Matters More When There's Money On It100.7053
269Premier League Predictor 2024-202580.7051
270The London Stagecoachers120.7049
271Gooners 2024/202550.7045
272Hornets inc80.7045
273Kings of the North100.7019
274Euro 2024 Predictions140.7013
275Tapi Carpets70.7013
276MILFORD prediction league 2024/202580.7011
277Rose & Crown Piss Pots60.7000
278VIP World Cup Malarkey50.7000
279The Kings of the North120.6983
280Old rumford town50.6981
281Aviss Challenge League120.6975
28224/25 Research Predictor League70.6974
283WGL Euro League60.6964
284WORLD CUP 2260.6964
285Bill's EPL League120.6960
287Numpties World Cup110.6944
288Red Issue EURO 2016 League90.6939
289Lords of Chepstow300.6931
290Predictor 24/25250.6930
291Kearnsy's Russian Roulette120.6923
292Meriden Cyclists+140.6923
294League Of Legends 110.6917
296The Pride of Palmerspeak Predictor 2024/25450.6902
297Euro League150.6899
299Super League140.6887
300World Cup Comp 2260.6885
301Shelf Farm Coychurch140.6884
302Big Gay World Cup 2022, with 6500 dead workers YAY...screw you FIFA, screw you Qatar70.6883
303LMS Predictions 24/25170.6879
304Premier League 2024210.6868
305Viridor super league 70.6866
306Cadbury Athletic200.6864
308Ligue 1150.6848
310EURO 202460.6818
311Oatcake Prediction League 2024/2560.6818
312Jane Ramsay memorial 180.6811
314Ickleford boys Euros100.6800
315Premier Predictors70.6800
316Football Legends100.6796
317Peter Torpey's a cult and he'll always be a cult....120.6794
318Bugz to beat 50.6792
319Dave to beat (yet again)50.6792
320Elite Euro league 160.6786
321LoC Money Competition210.6780
322Bertling EURO 2020 League280.6770
323Kearnsy's Euro Predictor 2024 Germany160.6768
324Roker Enders70.6753
325Are we still having a bank holiday?80.6744
326Ere We Go Ere We Go Again90.6744
327Walsall’s best50.6739
328WLG WC202250.6739
329AC Hoylake Heaton World Cup Prediction League50.6727
330Family Feud60.6727
331Scooby Doo Cup60.6727
332Scooby Doo Cup60.6727
333STATECH UK50.6727
334Wales WINNERS !!60.6724
336Thailand Euro 2016130.6715
337The Gimp League 2024/25 (In memory of Dennis & Jim)130.6713
338Predictor 23 / 24370.6706
339Only takes a minute...and a half!190.6684
340SKODA All Stars180.6684
341Bill's Euro League110.6667
342Bill's World Cup 2022110.6667
343Kings of the North70.6667
345The curry nite league60.6667
346WHO WANTS THE CUP?100.6636
347Isoprime - the buffet slayers90.6633
348Championship Predictor 300.6624
349England and Australia 70.6622
350World Cup 2022 - Heap Invitational180.6615
352La Liga140.6600
353World Cup 202280.6591
354GOAL SCORE 2025110.6577
355H H Heroin WC70.6575
356Socialites 50.6571
357GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2024130.6549
358Headquarters Choice 110.6549
359H H Heroin80.6548
360DST 2018 World Cup 50.6545
362Real madrid fans50.6538
363Headquarters euro 60.6515
364El Sombrero90.6512
365Serie A130.6500
366Euro 2024 - Heap Invitational 210.6491
367Football Legends110.6491
368WGSL 2018-1960.6491
369Accounts Assassins50.6481
372ABU Daskot Division90.6465
373BG Football League100.6465
374Isoprime - the buffet slayers60.6462
375The Anyone But Pete League!100.6455
376RUSSIA 2018260.6453
377Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2560.6452
378Brit/Am World Cup 202260.6452
379Euros 202460.6452
380WGL+ Super League 2023/24 70.6418
381NSC FA CUP 2014-15100.6415
382AT & Friends League50.6364
383Doha Enders50.6364
384Football's Coming Home!60.6364
385Home before the postcards190.6364
386No Clive's group50.6364
387R alack false nose and glasses 50.6364
388The Big Ole Qatari Cup O' Corruption* *allegedly50.6364
389The Champions league70.6364
390World Cup 2018 - not to be taken too seriously50.6364
391Premier League - Heap Invitational220.6360
392030 ETE League50.6346
393SWEATY SOCKS 2 divisions340.6317
394QM league60.6316
395The Euro’s70.6316
397The Stals World Cup 70.6316
398Thurrock premier60.6308
399Anyone but Qatar!110.6303
400EH Predictor League80.6296
401Lead Advisory Company50.6296
403greek gods 2 divisions330.6261
404Sweedish Snow320.6246
405german gods 2 divisions350.6236
408Only about the money140.6212
409Anyone but Oli!150.6209
410Chris Morgan70.6207
411Les Tueurs de la Restes80.6207
412Bully's Heroes50.6200
413Royston Vasey All Stars60.6190
414The Euro Bureau Boys60.6190
415spanish slaughter 2 divisions400.6189
416Above Board Goes Euro70.6184
417Above Board Predictor70.6184
418Soon be Christmas70.6184
419HUNTER EURO 202450.6182
420Own Goal50.6182
421Own goal euro50.6182
422championship chipmunks 2 divisions430.6178
423Game of 2 halves and some penalties140.6154
424Champions league100.6147
425Sporty Rubbish Euros50.6136
426Suck My Predictions 24-2550.6136
427Suck My Predictions Euro 2024 edition50.6136
428the Spivey McGill trophy @ Qatar '2250.6136
429Simply Unpredictable120.6126
430KiwiPom ML70.6104
431New Zingland60.6061
432Victoria Concordia Praedictionem 50.6061
433Ya Gunners Ya!50.6061
434Nearly in Doubt 80.6053
435Viva la France 2 divisions340.6050
436Goals Allowed90.6049
437Italian Icons 2 divisions340.6044
438Devon Greens60.6034
439Euro 2024130.6016
440Deli allstars 250.6000
441England to win the European Championships 50.6000
442Jose Gordinhio 50.6000
443New Jersey Celtics50.6000
444schmitz Fa Cupx50.6000
446Anyone But United90.5960
448Shoedogs Euros60.5938
449The Iron Maiden "Made in Baden-Baden" Prediktor Player's Plate70.5921
450The Sir Joe Shiels Shield 70.5921
451Hunter League [TH] 2024/2560.5909
452Hunter World Cup 202260.5909
45419 times *x19 League #stillunbearable50.5849
455Coming forth to Karius home50.5849
456Not so Hotspur50.5849
458Huwy does it again110.5798
459Euro Football Legends100.5769
460Veolia pot Hunters140.5755
461Hotspur Hippie Europa League of Peace50.5741
462wonkys 2021 euro compaction50.5714
463Andover 2013100.5688
464Gr8 Football Minds - Euro League80.5647
465GR8 Football Minds - WC 202280.5647
467Snowersighton International60.5606
468The sky bet championship60.5556
469The Vindaloo Elite League 50.5556
470The League of Stars50.5472
472The Beechwood Premier League60.5455
473BG league70.5395
474Russells Premier League 70.5373
476Hotspur Hippie Euro Comp80.5287
477Alchemy Serie 'A'50.5273
478Andover Euro Prediction 2470.5263
479EPL 2023/2450.5227
480EURO2020 LV50.5227
481FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 50.5227
4822024/25 Premier League Challenge50.5091
483Euro Championship Challenge50.5091
484Have the Tax Reports gone out?50.5091
485The Close-but-no-Qatar FIFA-All50.5091
486The Deery WC 18 Challenge 60.5077
487William Hill Region 1 - Women's Euros 60.5000
488Andover Predicts Euro 2170.4868
489Andover World Cup 2022 Challenge 70.4868
490Big nob60.4844
492Wednesday's Whoppers60.4844
493Ball Euro90.4286