Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
251RI League 24/25270.7657
252Euro 2480.7656
253It Matters More When There's Money On It80.7656
254TS Dreamers310.7656
255AC Hoylake Heaton Euros Predictor League60.7654
256CJD WC Qatar 2022120.7654
25722/23 - Big Dossers Prediction League140.7653
258Mythos Cup 6 70.7653
259Pirum 2021 European Championship Predicta Competition 70.7642
260TS Dreamers 270.7642
261Careful what you wish for!200.7641
262Central Team Tipsters 202260.7632
264Fa cup 201950.7625
265NSC World Cup League50.7625
267Vip League Elite - World Cup50.7625
268World Cup Predict Lah 50.7625
269Uslaaaag 60.7619
270VT Predict the Football 250.7614
271AC Hoylake Heaton Predictor League60.7612
272Over 40's League1150.7612
274Prem 24/25150.7609
276Zonal Euros70.7593
277Zonal WC201870.7593
278Спорт и Шоу- 22/2360.7593
279Kearnsy's Euro Predictor 2024 Germany130.7590
280Spalding Predictor Euros 2470.7589
281RI World Cup 22190.7585
282GLORY BOYS120.7580
283Spalding Predictor90.7569
284VIP Euros90.7569
285Cadbury Athletic200.7563
286Finch World Cup League160.7561
288Lead Advisory Company60.7558
289Our World Cup90.7554
290Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group120.7554
292Shelf Farm Coychurch130.7548
293Roermond 20/21130.7538
294Predict The Premiership League200.7532
295EURO2020 LV120.7531
296Euro 2024 Predictions160.7530
297Vip League Elite - English Premiership150.7525
298Andover Predicts Euro 2190.7523
299Only takes a minute...and a half!200.7517
300Euro 2024110.7500
301Kearnsy's Russian Roulette130.7500
302League of London70.7500
303Pantry Punters League80.7500
304Roker Enders60.7500
306Shoedogs Euros60.7500
308Vip League Elite - Scottish Premiership50.7500
310Davy 2019/20120.7486
311Davy 2018/19110.7485
31320/21 Prediction League 140.7484
314Anyone but Qatar!100.7483
316Scott's Gamblers Anonymous 140.7475
317The QVC Euro Prediction Punters60.7474
318Euro Football Lovers120.7468
319RMs vs the world50.7468
320Anyone but Oli!170.7467
321FT Euro League 201650.7467
322Finch 2022-23190.7464
323Goals Allowed90.7460
324Fantasy Finch Euros210.7458
325Euro 2020 League80.7456
326The League Of Football Fanatics 24/2580.7456
327Wales WINNERS !!60.7451
328SWEATY SOCKS 2 divisions360.7447
329Roermond on Euro tour140.7441
332League Of Legends 90.7431
333Anyone But United90.7424
334Champions league110.7423
335Andover Euro Prediction 2490.7419
337Shattered Dreams50.7407
338Bertling World Cup 201860.7396
339Kings of Europe60.7396
340Meriden Cyclists+120.7394
341CEU and friends50.7391
342EPL Predict Lah 170.7390
343Numpties League230.7390
344Predicta Chaps 2024/25190.7387
345Peter Torpey's a cult and he'll always be a cult....110.7386
346Championship Predictor 360.7385
347Go-Ahead Premier League Predictions 50.7385
348Prem Predictions50.7385
349The curry nite league50.7385
350Predicta Chaps 2023/24190.7384
351Scottish Masters 2021-22100.7381
352#gag#you forgot your predictions50.7375
353boysrusinvitation mkII50.7375
354Dads & Grandads50.7375
355Mindgames 21/2270.7375
356No sweepstake here!50.7375
357Own Goal50.7375
358Own goal euro50.7375
359RUSSIA 2018310.7375
360Stokewood Road Mini-League50.7375
361WORLD CUP PREDICTOR 202250.7375
363Спорт и Шоу50.7368
365Never Trust Those That Don't Drink.90.7364
366The Anyone But Pete League!90.7361
367Euro League160.7356
368World Cup 2022 - Thailand Predictors240.7354
369Mcintosh cup 60.7353
370McIntosh cup Scottish edition 60.7353
371Mcintosh World Cup 60.7353
372Bertling Premier League70.7347
373Last Man Standing Cup190.7343
375BG league70.7321
376Predicta Chaps 2021/22360.7321
377I don't understand the bonus points?90.7320
378GLORY BOYS110.7319
379Real madrid fans60.7317
380german gods 2 divisions360.7316
381Saka Potatoes100.7313
382What's an office? 21/2260.7313
383They think it's all over....100.7310
384Viva la France 2 divisions360.7303
385Handley League 1130.7293
386Cams Hill United60.7292
387Predicta 2018 World Cup130.7291
388Numpties World Cup120.7288
389Ligue 1140.7286
390greek gods 2 divisions340.7285
391EPL 2023/24110.7279
39221/22 - Big Dossers Prediction League 160.7277
393Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!150.7277
394Game of Throw-ins110.7267
395Accounts Assassins50.7250
396Bertling EURO 2024 League50.7250
397habib che50.7250
398The Deery WC 18 Challenge 90.7248
399Italian Icons 2 divisions350.7241
400Fylde 84 - Premier league50.7237
402Depit 2018 wc80.7234
403Depit league80.7234
404El Sombrero50.7231
405dooley's doodler's60.7229
406Dooley's Euro Doddlers 60.7229
407FT World Cup Predictor70.7229
408Thurrock premier60.7229
409Pointon York50.7222
410Spurs' Nutters League (Only Spurs fans)90.7222
411Whistl predictor 2024/25120.7211
412spanish slaughter 2 divisions410.7207
413Almost Pundits!! 50.7206
414Here we go again50.7206
415Premier League480.7206
416Euro 2021 Predictions170.7191
4172 clarets 1red 1white an owl and some dont know60.7188
420Football's Coming Home!60.7188
422William Hill Development & Friends240.7171
423La Liga150.7167
424AC Hoylake Heaton World Cup Prediction League60.7164
425Roermond Tour 18/1950.7164
426It’s Panini time60.7160
427The little league60.7160
428Davy 2020/21140.7156
429Home before the postcards220.7147
430Sweedish Snow330.7134
431LoC Money Competition170.7132
432Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2560.7128
433Brit/Am World Cup 202260.7128
434Euros 202460.7128
435The Vindaloo Elite League 50.7125
436Redwood League90.7120
437Roar Active Program 80.7109
438Big nob50.7105
439CAF Christensen Cup50.7105
440Christensen Caf Euro Cup50.7105
441Wednesday's Whoppers50.7105
442DJ Daz Predictor League - Euro Edition120.7102
443Fark Fitba Prediction League 2024/2590.7090
444Carib FC Mini League90.7083
445Delta League90.7083
446EH Predictor League150.7083
447League of London90.7083
448The best of the best!90.7083
449The Devils Buttermilk60.7083
450Suspect Predictors120.7079
451The Defectors League60.7079
452Latchmere FA50.7077
453Teachers United50.7077
454William Hill Good Friends & Companions Euro 24 Challenge140.7075
455Davy 2021/22170.7073
456The Button League (again)60.7073
457Sporty Rubbish Premier League50.7059
458Kearnsy’s Qatar Remedy110.7055
459championship chipmunks 2 divisions470.7049
460Fantasy Finch140.7048
462DJ Daz Predictor League130.7039
463Nearly in Doubt 60.7037
464World Cup 202280.7031
465Predicta Chaps 2022/23250.7026
466Never lost at Wembley 2019/20 60.7024
468Game of 2 halves and some penalties180.7011
469Serie A140.7009
470Andy's EURO's Prediction Comp50.7000
471Essex Euro Predictions50.7000
472FT Champions League70.7000
473Hodgies PLP50.7000
474Kelmscott Euros 202450.7000
475Kelmscott Predictor League 550.7000
476Langley Euros League50.7000
477We know FA50.7000
478World cup 2022 madness50.7000
479Lords of Chepstow220.6989
480The Difference #50.6981
481Fark Euros Clown Shoe Dumpster Fire league60.6977
482ZILIGIN 90.6970
483Cams Hill United70.6964
484Sporting Beerguts70.6964
485Super League140.6964
486Universal Soldiers70.6964
487Whistl Euro 2016 league70.6964
4882024/25 Development Dep't Predictor League 190.6953
489Aviss Challenge League70.6952
4902024/25 Intercounty Truck and Van Electric League60.6951
491Veolia pot Hunters110.6947
493Williams Premier90.6944
494CEU and friends PS 202160.6941
495Little men with large heads140.6909
496BG Football League110.6894
497Ball Euro80.6875
499Deli Allstars 50.6875
500Jambo Bwana50.6875