Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
1Sempions 51.0130
2HWD Premier70.9881
4Scalywag World cup50.9870
5England to win the European Championships 50.9868
6THES Championship50.9846
8Monday club euros50.9808
9The Five putters50.9697
10AT & Friends League60.9688
11Shrubb league50.9595
12The Merthyr Tydfil Prediction League50.9583
13Don't forget to play your banker50.9538
14DST 2018 World Cup 60.9512
16European beasts70.9500
17Fantastic beasts and the Hobarts!70.9500
18WGLSL World Cup ‘1850.9500
19WSL 2020 lock down league50.9500
20Let's laugh at Southgate70.9464
21Sludrehjørnets PL-forudsigelser60.9451
22Euros 202460.9444
23Shrubb league60.9444
24Shrubb World Cup 202260.9444
25The Shrubb World Cup 201860.9444
26WGSL 2018-1960.9390
27WGL Euro League60.9383
28CUP FEVER50.9375
29JIM JAMS50.9375
31Not so Hotspur50.9342
32England and Australia 80.9322
33Headquarters euro 80.9298
34WGL+ Super League 2023/24 70.9277
35Devon Greens60.9271
36Are we still having a bank holiday?80.9204
37So you think you know football?80.9204
38Arsenal fans Vs Man U & Spurs fans60.9167
39New Jersey Celtics60.9146
40Family Challenge50.9125
41WLG WC202260.9104
42Boykot Qatar50.9079
43Donkeys And Monkeys!60.9063
44Edmonton - Neil's PTE100.9008
45EURO 202450.9000
46Jerry Euro 202450.9000
47! Kensington Blvd's Finest !50.8971
48! Special For Lesha and Maxim !50.8971
49World Cup 2022 Chicago League50.8971
50Tommohawk Renovators70.8966
51Eddie Stobart Euro Prediction League 201660.8953
52Ere We Go Ere We Go Again100.8939
53GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2024120.8906
54Erbl league 100.8897
55GOAL SCORE 2025100.8875
56WORLD CUP 2280.8828
57El Sombrero110.8811
58Fylde 84 Euros 2180.8783
59Hornets inc60.8780
60Scooby Doo Cup60.8778
61Mauritius World Cup 202250.8769
622019/2020 Prediction League 80.8762
63Port Vale50.8676
64PFC Season 2016/1770.8661
65Jerry Soccer League III60.8646
66Irvine predictor50.8627
67Anyone but Smith50.8605
68Jane Ramsay memorial 170.8603
6919 times *x19 League #stillunbearable60.8587
70Coming forth to Karius home60.8587
71Scooby Doo Cup70.8585
72GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2023150.8583
73C L 2022/2370.8571
74C L 23-2470.8571
75Ģēniju kauss RUSSIA 201880.8571
76Red issue50.8571
78Plane Loco140.8547
79Holmesdale geriatrics60.8542
80William Hill Region 4 - Women's Euros 60.8542
81Football Legends100.8503
82Deli allstars 250.8500
83The Iron Maiden "Made in Baden-Baden" Prediktor Player's Plate70.8500
84The Sir Joe Shiels Shield 70.8500
85Nuts are Us60.8495
86St Neots Old Boys - from week 360.8485
88Tommy Baldwin70.8482
89Suck My Predictions 24-2560.8481
90Suck My Predictions Euro 2024 edition60.8481
91Itch What?60.8478
92The League of Stars50.8462
93Euro 24 - CGJMRRS60.8438
94Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group60.8438
95Obi Wan – Kenobi Nil140.8429
96La Coupe du Monde 60.8415
98Plymothian Janners90.8394
992clearets 1white2reds and an owl70.8393
101Euro Football Legends110.8389
102Kings Of The North WC202280.8387
103The Big Ole Qatari Cup O' Corruption* *allegedly50.8382
104Pirum World Cup50.8378
105Rose & Crown Piss Pots90.8378
106Kings of the North80.8374
107Kent Special League80.8365
108C L 202190.8333
109PTP 2k 24/2590.8319
110The Gimp League 2024/25 (In memory of Dennis & Jim)130.8317
111Asda premier league70.8310
112Headquarters Choice 90.8308
113The Beechwood Premier League70.8304
114Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group90.8302
115Amir EPL League 50.8289
116European Champs Itch....whaaaat50.8289
117Sub Con Premier Predictions League90.8284
118Show me da Mané220.8254
119World Cup 2022160.8252
120Alchemy Serie 'A'50.8250
121Bugz to beat 50.8250
122Dave to beat (yet again)50.8250
123Siglap Special50.8250
124Zonal Euro 2450.8250
125Predictor 23 / 24220.8240
126SKODA All Stars150.8217
127CGJMRRRS 24/2570.8214
128Hand of Pog70.8208
129The Ickle Boys130.8204
130The Champions League 80.8198
131Meat pie sausage roll60.8194
132AMSL WC18110.8175
133Football Legends110.8160
134World Cup 2280.8158
135Zonal Predictor 24-2560.8152
136Retail Premier League Predictor 260.8144
137FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 100.8138
138Katy Premiership70.8137
139Corporate Services Predictor League50.8125
140Neville wears Prada120.8125
141PFC Euros50.8125
142PFC Season 2015/1650.8125
143Summer thursdays70.8125
144The Euro’s50.8125
146The Stals World Cup 50.8125
147Thursday night70.8125
148Will we beat Panama?70.8125
150Pirum Predictions League60.8111
151Elstead Royal British Legion 150.8104
152Roermond on tour 19/20100.8095
153World Cup 2018 - not to be taken too seriously60.8095
154Fylde 8470.8081
155EURO 2020-21 Prediction League130.8071
156Mon the Scotland 110.8067
157PFC Season 2017/1890.8056
158Euro Special League60.8049
159Pilkington's vs the world90.8042
160Qatarpillars of Creation150.8042
161World Cup 22170.8039
162Mindgames 23/2450.8033
163The London Stagecoachers120.8032
165Ashley Out 50.8000
167Longs Leprechauns80.8000
169PREM PREDICTOR 2022/202350.8000
170Motherwellies 150.7990
171Motherwellies 150.7990
172Singapore World Cup 201890.7984
173CJD Premier League160.7983
174Gr8 Football Minds - Euro League70.7982
175GR8 Football Minds - WC 202270.7982
177EPL Prediction 2023/2470.7976
178Scottish Auld Baws 90.7966
180Agile Timid Fly60.7935
181Fergie Time REVAMPED!90.7920
182Predictor 24/25170.7914
184Prembet 24/2580.7900
185Ickleford boys Euros100.7899
186no mythos allowed in Qatar 80.7895
187UEFA Euro 2024 Germany - TFS league60.7895
188Red Issue EURO 2016 League80.7891
189LMS Predictions 24/25190.7888
190Footy Banter Group THE ORIGINAL & BEST400.7887
191Predictor 21170.7887
192Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group World Cup100.7877
194LMS Euro Predictions League100.7875
195Misters league50.7875
196On The Interweb Prediction League Season 2016-17 With A Wager On The Side50.7875
197Beautiful Game Season 10200.7874
198Central Team Tipsters80.7870
199Ops Finance Central EPL Tipsters80.7870
200Kings of the North90.7857
201The Kings of the North90.7857
202wonkys 2021 euro compaction70.7857
203The Pride of Palmerspeak Predictor 2024/25290.7849
204Mossman's Euro Predictor League130.7848
207if your any GOOD you should be in my league so join 4 the laugh60.7831
210Scott's gamblers anonymous 140.7826
211LMS Euro Championship 150.7821
212Tony`s Prem Predictions50.7821
213For the folks back home120.7813
215Mercedes-Benz Electric Vans League -
216Euro 24200.7807
217Sterling Premiership80.7807
218Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group110.7805
219Bertling EURO 2020 League280.7803
221Andy Premier League Predictions Comp100.7793
222Nafferton League80.7788
223Nafferton Mini League80.7788
224Roermond 21/22130.7788
225Roermond 23130.7788
226Irvine Euros60.7778
227Ickle World Cup90.7769
228Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group90.7769
231Only about the money150.7758
232Milly Mini League 21120.7755
233Big Gay World Cup 2022, with 6500 dead workers YAY...screw you FIFA, screw you Qatar50.7750
234Fight Club 5: Defeat The Spoon!50.7750
235schmitz Fa Cupx50.7750
236EURO 2024170.7748
237Mansions of glory180.7743
238Allianz Engineering70.7738
239PB Golf & All Stars 2024 - 25210.7738
240WHO WANTS THE CUP?120.7733
241Roermond 22/23140.7725
242Above Board Goes Euro60.7708
243Above Board Predictor60.7708
244Soon be Christmas60.7708
245Swindon prem predictors120.7701
246Predictions 2024/25180.7695
247JLR League of Nations50.7692
248VIP World Cup Malarkey70.7679
249Stobart world cup 60.7674
250Brothers league70.7658