Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
502Dooley's Euro Doddlers 80.6471
503JLR Premier League Predictions League 201950.6458
504Allianz Engineering60.6441
505Wales WINNERS !!80.6429
507Holmesdale geriatrics50.6346
508Monday club euros50.6346
509Ball Euro80.6232
511PremBet 1770.6207\forum50.6190
513Fans of The Back-Pass-Age70.6154
514Beat the Bloggers90.6133
515Thomas Family & Friends50.6078
516Euro NESPL 202150.6053
5182024 Euros Prediction League50.6000
519POW Super Champions League50.6000
520Read it and weep50.5918
521Only forgot the bloody code60.5909
522Euro 'bout to be Kaned50.5882
523Pro London predictor league70.5870
52419 times *x19 League #stillunbearable60.5763
525Coming forth to Karius home60.5763
526Not so Hotspur60.5763
527Flamers 60.5484
528Shrubb league50.5472
529WORLD CUP 2270.5263
530Euros 202460.5179
531Shrubb league60.5179
532Shrubb World Cup 202260.5179
533The Shrubb World Cup 201860.5179
534They think It's All Over60.5000