Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
501ASGR Championship80.8125
503Kent Special League100.8100
5042 Dogs FC110.8091
505Euro League160.8050
506Sweedish Snow270.8023
5071966..50 years on the books!50.8000
508ASGR EURO 202060.8000
509Ball Euro80.8000
510BG Football League160.8000
511boysrusinvitation mkII50.8000
512CJD Premier League70.8000
513CJD WC Qatar 202270.8000
514Devon Greens70.8000
515Devon Greens Worldies50.8000
516Euro 2460.8000
518FT Euro League 201660.8000
519PremBet 1780.8000
520Reich Prem60.8000
521Summer thursdays70.8000
522The Teabaggers 60.8000
523The Teabaggers World Cup League 60.8000
524They think It's All Over50.8000
525Thursday night70.8000
526Redwood League100.7980
527The Deery WC 18 Challenge 100.7980
528greek gods 2 divisions280.7964
529Wells Fargo160.7938
530Wells Fargo - 2018/19160.7938
531Wells Fargo120.7917
532PFC Season 2016/17100.7900
533The Button League (again)120.7899
534EPL Predict Lah 80.7875
535The Normal Ones80.7875
536Davy 2020/21150.7867
538Tommy Baldwin70.7857
539Andover 201380.7848
540Andover World Cup 2022 Challenge 80.7848
541Alan and Brian footy leagu60.7833
542Duchess English Premier League 2018/19120.7833
543Fa cup 201960.7833
544Isoprime - the buffet slayers60.7833
545Viva la France 2 divisions290.7825
547HUNTER EURO 202450.7800
549Sporty Rubbish Euros50.7800
550Sporty Rubbish Premier League50.7800
551the Spivey McGill trophy @ Qatar '2250.7800
552WigWam Premier League50.7800
553Carrots and Peas50.7755
554Andover Euro Prediction 2490.7753
556Eurotherm 2018-201980.7750
557La Coupe du Monde 80.7750
558Davy 2019/20150.7733
559Huwy does it again100.7700
560FA Cup70.7681
562Euro Special League60.7667
563PFC Season 2014/1560.7667
564Latchmere FA70.7647
565Our World Cup110.7636
566Football & Horse Racing Tips80.7632
567Premier League180.7611
568William Hill Development & Friends140.7609
570Champs league50.7600
571Mini-League Number 150.7600
572Roermond 21/2250.7600
573Roermond 2350.7600
574Roermond on tour 19/2050.7600
575Transatlantic League50.7600
576William Hill Good Friends & Companions Euro 24 Challenge80.7564
577Andover Predicts Euro 2190.7528
578Kings of Europe60.7500
579Lead Advisory Company80.7500
580Port Vale50.7500
581Scooby Doo Cup60.7500
582Scooby Doo Cup60.7500
583Super League120.7479
584Thomas Family & Friends70.7460
585Ligue 1110.7455
586!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONLINE FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!50.7400
587BG's EPL Predictor League50.7400
5882024/25 Development Dep't Predictor League 120.7333
589Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2560.7333
590Brit/Am World Cup 202260.7333
591Euros 202460.7333
592Lou's Premier League60.7333
593World Cup Wonderers80.7308
594FT Champions League80.7250
595The QVC Prediction Punters60.7241
596The Champions league90.7222
597Bully's Heroes50.7209
598Thomas Family + Friends50.7209
599Champion League Pick'em50.7200
600Cold War 2018 50.7200
601copa ds americas 201650.7200
602Devon Greens50.7200
603English Premier League50.7200
604Euro Golden Toe 201650.7200
605Prembet 24/2550.7200
606EverGreen Predictors70.7167
607PANGAS Euro League60.7167
608Pangas World Cup 202260.7167
610Roermond 20/2160.7167
611Roermond on Euro tour60.7167
612Roermond Tour 18/1960.7167
613Teachers United60.7167
614They think it's all over....110.7156
617Serie A100.7100
618Davy 2021/22110.7091
619La Liga120.7083
620Meat pie sausage roll50.7083
621THES LEAGUE60.7000
622World Cup Heroes50.7000
623Premier Predictors100.6977
624QVC World Cup Prediction League80.6923
625BG league70.6857
626Sad sacks European league120.6750
627UK Implementation Team - World Cup 201880.6750
628Haven't got a Kalou50.6735
629The best of the best!90.6667
630Cartoon Capers90.6517
632World Cup 202280.6500
633Sad sacks world cup150.6467
634Jaguars Dads plus Merrick50.6400
635Kapos EPL 1850.6400
636No sweepstake here!50.6400
638Predictions 2024/2590.6222
639Roermond 22/2350.6200
640World Cup 2022 - Thailand Predictors110.6182
641Euro 2024 Predictions100.6100
643Euro 2021 Predictions90.5889
644Thailand Euro 201690.5889
645Brothers league60.5667
646Inter Row Z50.5600