Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
251Fergie Time REVAMPED!70.7500
252Handley League 1100.7500
253Ligue 160.7500
257Team England50.7500
258World Cup 202260.7500
259Andover 201350.7436
260Anti - Arsenal League100.7432
261Predictions 2023/2490.7424
262The Relegators60.7381
263Rexam Euro 2016100.7375
264RUSSIA 201880.7344
265Depit league80.7302
266WiseMen Premier League100.7297
267Bdo all stars60.7292
268Le Tourneo60.7292
269BDO ALL STARS 2016/1750.7250
270BDO ALL STARS 2017/1850.7250
271BDO EURO 2016 ALL STARS 50.7250
273Lads League50.7250
274Meat munchers 201850.7250
275Red Issue EURO 2016 League150.7250
276The Defectors League50.7250
277Edmonton Euro Predictor80.7241
279DD Cup / Le Tourneo90.7222
280Whistl Euro 2016 league90.7222
281Premier Predictors100.7215
282Flash's Super League80.7213
283England We're Coming For You120.7204
285Edmonton Prem Predictor70.7200
286pleasure beach ltd70.7200
287The Bothy70.7200
289Wells Fargo170.7185
291Cadbury Athletic120.7143
292FT Champions League70.7143
293Serie A70.7143
294Bertling EURO 2020 League170.7111
295Seria Z50.7105
296Latchmere FA70.7091
297Bothy World Cup 60.7083
299BA World Cup120.7024
300H H Heroin WC60.7021
302Premier Prices60.7021
303Sad sacks world cup110.7011
305Isoprime - the buffet slayers50.7000
306Isoprime - the buffet slayers50.7000
307Les Tueurs de la Restes50.7000
309OHW Premier League50.7000
310Teekay Glasgow50.7000
311Three wise men50.7000
312Bertling Copa America League70.6964
313Reich Prem70.6964
314Springburn Popular Front English70.6964
315The BIG One 2007/200870.6964
316Premier League90.6944
317Depit 2018 wc50.6923
318Euro NESPL 201650.6923
319World Cup NESPL50.6923
320El Sombrero60.6905
321Michelin Allstars100.6901
323Red Issue EURO 2020 League120.6875
324Russia 2018 World Cup80.6875
3250809ja EPL 50.6842
328The Deery WC 18 Challenge 60.6809
329Super League90.6806
330RI World Cup 2270.6786
331Fans of The Back-Pass-Age100.6750
332Pantry Punters League100.6750
333The Defectors League50.6750
334The Real Bertling EURO 2020 League50.6750
335RI League 23/2480.6719
337El Sombrero60.6667
338sad sacks on tour170.6618
339La Primerea 7 Liga70.6607
340Leons Predictor Comp100.6582
341Scottish Masters 2021-2280.6552
342H H Heroin70.6545
343Kane-ing it in Russia90.6515
344Prem league predictions90.6515
345GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 202350.6500
346GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 202450.6500
347TAM PL Predictions 2014/1550.6500
348Englands Flops60.6458
349Delta League60.6429
350FT Euro League 201680.6406
352!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONLINE FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!130.6373
353CX Premier League Predictions70.6364
354Champs league50.6250
355Fa cup 201950.6250
356Sussex Lions Prediction League 2014/1580.6250
357UKFS League50.6250
358World Reich Cup 201860.6250
360Inter Row Z50.6154
361Sad sacks European league90.6111
362Essex Euro Predictions70.6071
363Stokewood Road Mini-League70.6071
364We know FA70.6071
365Casino Helsinki50.6000
366Euro 16 - The Lasso Invitational50.6000
367Three Lions60.5833
368Mines a Pint50.5750
369The Teabaggers World Cup League 50.5750
370Angell League50.5714
371NLC Season 19/2070.5714
372Bertling World Cup 201850.5500
373TOMTLEREDLIPS United 50.5500
374Here We Go Again60.5417
375Beat the Bloggers50.5385
376Кривите ракети70.5283
377Spurs Twitter League90.5278
378TU Predict League50.5250
379Princebuild Fools Panel 60.5208
380Serie Z60.5208
381Prediction League60.5000
382kd boys50.4872
383Alchemy Serie 'A'60.4583
384MJW Super League50.4500
385ASGR Champions league60.4375
386ASGR Championship60.4375
387ASGR EURO 202060.4375
388AGSR World Cup50.4250