Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
1Fylde 84 - Premier league51.1600
2QVC World Cup Prediction League61.0667
3schmitz Fa Cupx51.0600
4Fylde 8460.9833
5Fylde 84 Euros 2160.9833
6Euro 2024 Predictions160.9813
7Euro 2021 Predictions160.9750
9Brothers league70.9714
10Thailand Euro 2016140.9643
12Shoedogs Euros60.9500
13The QVC Prediction Punters80.9375
14Above Board Goes Euro70.9143
15Above Board Predictor70.9143
16Kings of Europe70.9143
17Soon be Christmas70.9143
18Football's Coming Home!70.8986
20Tommy Baldwin80.8875
21The Champions league70.8857
22Obi Wan – Kenobi Nil120.8833
23Nafferton League60.8667
24Nafferton Mini League60.8667
25The Hugh Johns Star Soccer League60.8667
27NSC FA CUP 2014-15100.8500
28World Cup 202280.8500
29CEU and friends PS 202160.8475
30FT World Cup Predictor60.8444
31Jerry Euro 202460.8393
32WORLD CUP 2280.8375
33WHO WANTS THE CUP?100.8370
34Predictions 2024/25180.8278
35World Cup 2022 - Thailand Predictors230.8217
36Plane Loco50.8200
37Ere We Go Ere We Go Again100.8152
38Toddington Walking Football70.8143
3919 times *x19 League #stillunbearable60.8136
40Coming forth to Karius home60.8136
412clearets 1white2reds and an owl70.8000
42AC Hoylake Heaton Euros Predictor League60.8000
44Gr8 Football Minds - Euro League80.8000
46Isoprime - the buffet slayers50.8000
47Isoprime - the buffet slayers50.8000
48Kelmscott Euros 202450.8000
49Kelmscott Predictor League 550.8000
50Les Tueurs de la Restes50.8000
51The best of the best!90.8000
52The Vindaloo Elite League 50.8000
53Thomas Family & Friends50.8000
54Thomas Family + Friends50.8000
55Thurrock premier50.8000
56World cup 2022 madness50.8000
57X LEGACY World Cup Lords of Chepstow70.8000
58League of London110.7982
59RI League 24/25290.7958
61BG Football League130.7895
62sad sacks on tour100.7879
63Pilkington's vs the world90.7865
64Ligue 1140.7857
65R alack false nose and glasses 50.7857
66Snowersighton International70.7857
67Never Trust Those That Don't Drink.130.7846
68Let's laugh at Southgate60.7833
69London Road Elite league 60.7833
70On The Interweb Prediction League Season 2016-17 With A Wager On The Side60.7833
71La Liga150.7800
72Tapi Carpets50.7800
74Oatcake Prediction League 2024/2560.7797
75STATECH UK60.7797
76The Anyone But Pete League!100.7778
77RI World Cup 22220.7763
78It’s Coming Home 202280.7750
79WGL+ Super League 2023/24 80.7746
80Kings of the North70.7714
81PREM PREDICTOR 2022/202370.7714
82Bully's Heroes60.7667
83GR8 Football Minds - WC 202290.7667
84Show me da Mané180.7667
85WGSL 2018-1960.7647
87WLG WC202260.7627
88Fa cup 201950.7600
89Langley Euros League50.7600
90Pantry Punters League100.7527
91Red Issue EURO 2016 League100.7500
92VIP Euros90.7500
95Premier League520.7426
96Jerry Soccer League III70.7424
97Bill's EPL League120.7417
98Bill's World Cup 2022120.7417
99GLORY BOYS90.7407
100Predicta Chaps Euros Edition50.7400
101The QVC Euro Prediction Punters50.7400
102CJD Premier League170.7396
103Sad sacks European league70.7391
104Serie A130.7385
106Mauritius World Cup 202280.7375
107The Close-but-no-Qatar FIFA-All80.7375
108The wafflers premiership 80.7375
109Spurs' Nutters League (Only Spurs fans)110.7368
110GOAL SCORE 2025110.7364
111BG league80.7361
112Predictor 21170.7358
113AC Hoylake Heaton Predictor League60.7333
114Big nob60.7333
115Wales WINNERS !!60.7333
116Wednesday's Whoppers60.7333
117Neville wears Prada130.7308
118World Cup 22190.7308
120Predicta Chaps 2023/24220.7294
1212024/25 Development Dep't Predictor League 220.7273
122GLORY BOYS90.7273
123Euro Football Lovers120.7264
124ABU Daskot Division80.7250
125Little men with large heads120.7250
126Premier League Predictor 2024-202580.7250
127Euro 2020(1) - Heap Invitational120.7203
128Mindgames 21/2250.7200
129Not so Hotspur50.7200
130Suspect Predictors150.7200
131FT Champions League60.7170
132AC Hoylake Heaton World Cup Prediction League60.7167
133The Teabaggers 60.7167
134VIP World Cup Malarkey60.7167
135Bill's Euro League130.7154
136Predicta Chaps 2024/25210.7150
137GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2024140.7143
138It's all in the stars50.7143
139Katy Premiership70.7143
140Williams Premier70.7143
141WORLD CUP PREDICTOR 202250.7143
142Kings of the North80.7125
143Kings Of The North WC202280.7125
144The Kings of the North80.7125
145Anyone But United80.7089
146Roermond on Euro tour140.7071
147Super League140.7071
148Champions league110.7059
149The Gimp League 2024/25 (In memory of Dennis & Jim)130.7049
150Last Man Standing Cup200.7035
151Boykot Qatar50.7000
152C L 2022/2370.7000
153Football Legends100.7000
154habib che60.7000
155Jane Ramsay memorial 180.7000
156just another mini-league50.7000
157League Of Legends 100.7000
158Never lost at Wembley 2019/20 60.7000
159NSC World Cup League50.7000
160PB Golf & All Stars 2024 - 25270.7000
161Qatarpillars of Creation160.7000
162Red issue50.7000
164Sludrehjørnets PL-forudsigelser60.7000
165Toffees,vs,United,vs,Hammers,vs City,vs Gunners!50.7000
166Vip League Elite - Scottish Premiership50.7000
167World Cup 2022150.7000
168Its coming home50.6939
169Fark Fitba Prediction League 2024/2590.6932
170CJD WC Qatar 2022140.6929
171Predicta Chaps 2022/23270.6929
172Predicta Chaps 2021/22220.6927
173The Relegators100.6900
174GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2023210.6872
175The Iron Maiden "Made in Baden-Baden" Prediktor Player's Plate70.6857
176The Sir Joe Shiels Shield 70.6857
177The Teabaggers World Cup League 70.6857
178Roermond 21/22130.6846
179Roermond 23130.6846
180Euro 2020 League80.6835
181Sad sacks world cup80.6835
182The League Of Football Fanatics 24/2580.6835
183footy corner60.6833
184The Button League (again)60.6833
185World Cup 2022 Predicta 120.6833
186Predictor 24/25170.6832
187LoC Money Competition190.6825
188spanish slaughter 2 divisions350.6813
189Euro 2024 - Heap Invitational 200.6802
190#gag#you forgot your predictions50.6800
191Euro Football Legends100.6800
192Prem 24/25150.6800
193Anti - Arsenal League110.6796
194FT Euro League 201660.6792
195Tony`s Prem Predictions60.6792
196Predictor 23 / 24230.6773
197Roermond 20/21130.6769
198C L 2021100.6768
199EPL Predict Lah 190.6758
200Lords of Chepstow260.6757
201Vip League Elite - English Premiership150.6757
202World Cup 2022 - Heap Invitational220.6728
203RMs vs the world60.6724
204Vip League Elite - World Cup60.6724
205Championship Predictor 270.6718
206League of London70.6714
207The sky bet championship70.6714
208Viva la France 2 divisions300.6712
209Premier League - Heap Invitational240.6709
210Hand of Pog60.6667
211Huwy does it again110.6667
212Mansions of glory210.6667
213Peter Torpey's a cult and he'll always be a cult....130.6667
214WGL Euro League60.6667
215Footy Banter Group THE ORIGINAL & BEST410.6658
216Ickleford boys Euros90.6629
218wonkys 2021 euro compaction60.6610
219Headquarters Choice 110.6606
220LMS Euro Championship 160.6604
221Accounts Assassins50.6600
222Bowsie Family & Friends50.6600
223Euro 'bout to be Kaned50.6600
224Konig UK50.6600
225Konig UK World Cup 201850.6600
226Longs Leprechauns50.6600
227Premier League Herts50.6600
228WGLSL World Cup ‘1850.6585
229WSL 2020 lock down league50.6585
230championship chipmunks 2 divisions370.6582
2312 clarets 1red 1white an owl and some dont know50.6571
233Roermond 22/23140.6571
235Johnny's Super League180.6556
236Predicta 2018 World Cup90.6556
238Football Legends110.6545
239Predicta Euros 110.6545
240I'm betting on Iran60.6538
241Fergie Time REVAMPED!90.6533
243Allianz Engineering70.6522
244Only takes a minute...and a half!200.6510
245Beautiful Game Season 10220.6509
246AT & Friends League60.6500
247England and Australia 80.6500
248Euros 202460.6500
249Konig UK60.6500
250Shrubb league60.6500