Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
251Soon be Christmas70.7024
252World Cup 2270.7024
253Euro Football Lovers90.7019
254Champion predictor50.7000
255CUP FEVER50.7000
256JIM JAMS50.7000
257Wales WINNERS !!50.7000
259Kearnsy's Russian Roulette130.6985
261EH Predictor League90.6966
262Sweedish Snow180.6963
263La Liga140.6946
264Fergie Time REVAMPED!60.6944
265SWEATY SOCKS 2 divisions190.6938
266EURO 2020-21 Prediction League120.6923
267Kings of the North90.6916
268The Kings of the North90.6916
269Premier League410.6899
270german gods 2 divisions210.6897
271Fight Club 5: Defeat The Spoon!70.6892
273VT Predict the Football 80.6875
274WORLD CUP 2280.6875
275Premier League Predictor 2024-202580.6860
276World Cup 22180.6854
277Anti - Arsenal League100.6842
278Champions league100.6842
279Dooley's Euro Doddlers 60.6842
280FT World Cup Predictor50.6833
281Langley Euros League50.6833
282Only about the money130.6828
284Gr8 Football Minds - Euro League80.6813
285GR8 Football Minds - WC 202280.6813
287Jane Ramsay memorial 160.6813
288Scooby Doo Cup60.6812
289Scooby Doo Cup60.6812
290The Teabaggers 60.6806
291The Teabaggers World Cup League 60.6806
292Game of 2 halves and some penalties160.6784
293Italian Icons 2 divisions210.6781
294Family Feud60.6774
295Allianz Engineering50.6750
296Where’s Bowyer 70.6747
297H H Heroin80.6744
299spanish slaughter 2 divisions260.6740
300Jerry Soccer League III50.6739
301Serie A120.6736
302Only takes a minute...and a half!180.6732
304Huwy does it again100.6726
305The London Stagecoachers110.6723
306World Cup 2022130.6694
307A few good men60.6667
308C L 202190.6667
309European Champs Itch....whaaaat50.6667
310GOAL SCORE 2025120.6667
311Goals Allowed90.6667
312Hand of Pog60.6667
313Itch What?50.6667
314League of Champions50.6667
315Ligue 1140.6667
316Mon the Scotland 100.6667
318Super League130.6667
319Vip League Elite - English Premiership100.6667
320Beautiful Game Season 10210.6627
321Singapore World Cup 201860.6615
322Numpties League190.6614
325Williams Premier60.6563
326JDI - Euro 202060.6538
327Predict 24/2560.6538
328Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2560.6528
329Brit/Am World Cup 202260.6528
330Euros 202460.6528
331PANGAS Euro League60.6528
332Pangas World Cup 202260.6528
334AC Hoylake Heaton Euros Predictor League50.6500
335boysrusinvitation mkII50.6500
336Obi Wan – Kenobi Nil100.6500
338Euro 24210.6485
339London Road Elite league 60.6479
3412clearets 1white2reds and an owl60.6471
3432024/25 Intercounty Truck and Van Electric League80.6444
344HUNTER EURO 202450.6441
345Never lost at Wembley 2019/20 50.6441
346The Deery WC 18 Challenge 70.6441
347Euro 2020 League70.6429
348H H Heroin WC70.6429
350The League Of Football Fanatics 24/2570.6429
351Kings Of The North WC202280.6421
352Cadbury Athletic200.6417
353Epl 2024/2550.6415
354Dads & Grandads50.6400
355No sweepstake here!50.6400
356GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2023160.6393
357Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group World Cup90.6389
358Kings of the North70.6386
359Home before the postcards200.6360
360Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group80.6354
361Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group80.6354
362El Sombrero80.6341
36324/25 Research Predictor League50.6333
364CJD WC Qatar 2022130.6312
365GOAL SCORE LEAGUE 2024140.6310
366LoC Money Competition180.6303
367Spurs' Nutters League (Only Spurs fans)90.6296
368Premier League 2024170.6283
369ZILIGIN 80.6279
370EURO 202460.6250
373World Cup 2018 Predictor50.6250
374Predictor 23 / 24220.6233
375Scott's Gamblers Anonymous 130.6232
376PB Golf & All Stars 2024 - 25240.6223
377Numpties World Cup120.6211
378Latchmere FA50.6200
379Teachers United50.6200
380Hunter League [TH] 2024/2560.6197
381Hunter World Cup 202260.6197
382Deli allstars 250.6167
383Royston Vasey All Stars50.6167
384The Euro Bureau Boys50.6167
385Ball Euro80.6163
387Eddie Stobart Euro Prediction League 201660.6154
388Longs Leprechauns50.6154
389dooley's doodler's60.6140
390I'm betting on Iran60.6129
391Oatcake Prediction League 2024/2560.6129
392Anyone But United90.6111
393Euro 2024 Predictor60.6111
394Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group60.6111
395Zonal Euro 2460.6111
396The Vindaloo Elite League 50.6102
397Predictor 24/25160.6082
399EPL Predict Lah 150.6065
400Zonal Euros70.6053
401Zonal Predictor 24-2570.6053
402Zonal WC201870.6053
403Euro League130.6039
404PTP 2k 24/2590.6019
405Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group90.6019
406Accounts Assassins50.6000
407Here we go again50.6000
408Careful what you wish for!190.5991
409SKODA All Stars160.5989
410Predictor 21140.5942
411Spalding Predictor90.5926
412Andover World Cup 2022 Challenge 80.5915
413ABU Daskot Division80.5843
414Bully's Heroes60.5833
415Larky 23/2460.5833
416Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group100.5833
417Sporting Beerguts80.5833
418Universal Soldiers80.5833
420William Hill Region 4 - Women's Euros 70.5811
421Aviss Challenge League90.5810
422WORLD CUP PREDICTOR 202250.5800
423DJ Daz Predictor League120.5772
424DJ Daz Predictor League - Euro Edition130.5760
425World Cup 2018 - not to be taken too seriously60.5738
426Headquarters euro 80.5729
428Spalding Predictor Euros 2470.5714
429Nafferton League60.5694
430Nafferton Mini League60.5694
431BGS PL TIPS 70.5682
432Sub Con Premier Predictions League90.5682
433AT & Friends League50.5667
434Konig UK50.5667
435Konig UK50.5667
436Konig UK World Cup 201850.5667
437wonkys 2021 euro compaction50.5667
438Andover Euro Prediction 2480.5634
439Victoria Concordia Praedictionem 50.5593
440Ya Gunners Ya!50.5593
441Andover 2013110.5514
442The Beechwood Premier League80.5465
443It Matters More When There's Money On It90.5463
444Neville wears Prada90.5463
445Euro 2480.5417
446RUSSIA 2018150.5390
447Swindon prem predictors110.5379
448Fa cup 201950.5333
450Euro 2024100.5214
452Thurrock premier50.5167
453The Hearne’s 60.5152
454Agile Timid Fly60.5147
456DST 2018 World Cup 60.5139
457Headquarters Choice 110.5122
458The Big Ole Qatari Cup O' Corruption* *allegedly50.5122
459Thomas Family & Friends50.5102
460Thomas Family + Friends50.5102
461The wafflers premiership 80.5059
462England and Australia 80.5053
463Fark Fitba Prediction League 2024/2580.5000
464Fark Footie World Dumpster Fire Cup60.5000
465Lead Advisory Company50.5000
466Own Goal50.5000
467Own goal euro50.5000
468Tapi Carpets50.5000
469Tony`s Prem Predictions50.5000
470Whey aye Man!50.5000
471Essex United50.4915
472R alack false nose and glasses 50.4909
473Depit league60.4857
474Depit 2018 wc50.4828
475Uslaaaag 50.4746
476Mythos Cup 6 70.4643
477Stobart world cup 60.4615
478Robo's Euro Predictor50.4583
479Andover Predicts Euro 2170.4576
480Redwood League70.4545
481no mythos allowed in Qatar 70.4524
482Nuts are Us60.4507
483The Iron Maiden "Made in Baden-Baden" Prediktor Player's Plate70.4462
484The Sir Joe Shiels Shield 70.4462
485PREM PREDICTOR 2022/202370.4459
486World Cup Comp 2260.4444
487Jambo Bwana50.4400
488Delta League50.4200