Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosNombre# jugadoresResultado Promedio
501Delta League60.4500
503Super League140.4500
504WGL Euro League60.4500
505La Liga150.4467
506Premier Predictors70.4462
507boysrusinvitation mkII50.4400
508Real madrid fans50.4400
509Our World Cup80.4375
510Eddie Stobart Euro Prediction League 201660.4333
511Neville wears Prada120.4333
512Rose & Crown Piss Pots90.4333
513Summer thursdays70.4286
514Thursday night70.4286
515Toddington Walking Football70.4286
517Serie A140.4214
518Family Challenge50.4200
519Longs Leprechauns50.4200
522C L 2022/2370.4000
523Esken Renewables50.4000
525Shoedogs Euros60.4000
526World Cup 202280.4000
527030 ETE League50.3800
528Fylde 8450.3800
529Fylde 84 - Premier league50.3800
530Fylde 84 Euros 2150.3800
531The wafflers50.3800
532Chris Morgan50.3600
533Walsall’s best50.3600
534Red issue50.3400