Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
252Spalding Predictor Euros 2460.6308
253The Gimp League 2024/25 (In memory of Dennis & Jim)120.6308
254junction 21100.6296
255Milly Mini League 21110.6296
256Suspect Predictors90.6289
257BG league80.6282
258WORLD CUP 2280.6279
259Ashton on mersey golf club240.6275
260They think it's all over....120.6271
261Bators 140.6261
262Euro 202490.6250
263Hunter League [TH] 2024/2560.6250
264Hunter World Cup 202260.6250
265Surely Not Guernsey Again!140.6250
266Tony`s Prem Predictions60.6250
267World Cup 2022 - Thailand Predictors190.6244
268The Pride of Palmerspeak Predictor 2024/25270.6241
269Kings Of The North WC202280.6235
270Irvine predictor50.6222
271Will we beat Panama?90.6220
272030 ETE League50.6190
273The Vindaloo Elite League 50.6190
274William Hill Development & Friends230.6190
275Zonal WC2018110.6186
276C L 2022/2370.6184
277C L 23-2470.6184
278Redwood League130.6176
279EURO 2020-21 Prediction League140.6174
280Fark Footie World Dumpster Fire Cup60.6167
281Fylde 84 Euros 2180.6163
282I'm betting on Iran60.6154
283STFC Foundation U13s 90.6154
284Premier League 2024160.6149
286TS Dreamers300.6141
287Euro 2021 Predictions150.6135
288Itch What?60.6129
289Beautiful Game Season 10170.6121
290Premier League490.6121
291Spalding Predictor80.6118
292RUSSIA 2018260.6117
293boysrusinvitation mkII50.6111
295DNB League50.6111
296EURO 202450.6111
297no mythos allowed in Qatar 70.6104
298Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group World Cup110.6095
299Bowsie Family & Friends60.6094
300World Cup 22160.6093
301greek gods 2 divisions290.6092
302Italian Icons 2 divisions300.6089
303Qatarpillars of Creation140.6081
304Roermond on tour 19/20120.6080
305Predictions 2024/25150.6076
306Deloitte Old Boys and Friends 22/23100.6075
307World Cup Comp 2260.6066
308It Matters More When There's Money On It100.6064
309Sad sacks world cup100.6061
310The Iron Maiden "Made in Baden-Baden" Prediktor Player's Plate70.6061
311The Sir Joe Shiels Shield 70.6061
312SKODA All Stars140.6058
313William Hill Region 3 - Women's Euros 80.6053
314Jane Ramsay memorial 160.6048
315Neville wears Prada160.6045
316spanish slaughter 2 divisions360.6040
317Pirum World Cup70.6038
318The Difference #50.6038
319Nearly in Doubt 80.6032
320SWEATY SOCKS 2 divisions330.6032
322Viva la France 2 divisions300.6024
323X LEGACY World Cup Lords of Chepstow80.6023
324Only forgot the bloody code100.6020
325Peter Torpey's a cult and he'll always be a cult....90.6020
326RI League 24/25220.6011
327BG's EPL Predictor League50.6000
328Big nob60.6000
330Ligue 1170.6000
331Misters league50.6000
332Numpties League230.6000
333Own Goal50.6000
334Own goal euro50.6000
335QVC World Cup Prediction League80.6000
336Tapi Carpets50.6000
337Wednesday's Whoppers60.6000
338Whistl Euro 2016 league60.6000
339Over 40's League1180.5996
340Zonal Euros100.5981
341England and Australia 70.5974
342Mythos Cup 6 70.5970
343Pirum 2021 European Championship Predicta Competition 90.5970
344Jim To Beat (again)50.5962
345League of 'tards50.5962
346Lee to beat 50.5962
347Not Russian to work 201850.5962
348PREM PREDICTOR 2022/202350.5962
349Steven to beat50.5962
351The League of Stars60.5957
352LoC Money Competition130.5956
353FOOTBALL GAME OF THRONES560.5952\forum50.5952
356Not so Hotspur60.5926
358Elite Euro league 160.5909
359Lads from Mosney enjoy chicken...60.5909
360Cluster 313100.5904
361Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group90.5904
362The Button League (again)60.5902
363german gods 2 divisions310.5892
364Davy 2019/20140.5891
365Fergie Time REVAMPED!90.5890
366Jerry Euro 202450.5882
368Swindon prem predictors130.5882
36922/23 - Big Dossers Prediction League130.5870
370Brothers league70.5867
372Davy 2021/22130.5859
37321/22 - Big Dossers Prediction League 140.5850
37420/21 Prediction League 220.5848
375Scooby Doo Cup60.5846
376Combes cup50.5833
377Combes Liga50.5833
378FT Euro League 201650.5833
379klienfelds champions 50.5833
380Retail Premier League Predictor 690.5833
382Serie A150.5833
383The Beechwood Premier League70.5833
384Numpties World Cup130.5825
386Viridor super league 70.5821
387Dads & Grandads50.5818
389No sweepstake here!50.5818
390Cams Hill United60.5806
391Cams Hill United60.5806
392World Cup 2022100.5800
393Ball Euro80.5789
395Corporate Services 2020 202160.5789
396BG Football League110.5785
398Irvine Euros50.5778
399LMS Euro Predictions League100.5778
400Motherwellies 160.5771
401Devon Greens Worldies50.5769
402Soccer Saturday Super 6 Facebook Group60.5769
403Sad sacks European league150.5764
404Roermond 20/21160.5759
405AT & Friends League60.5758
407PFC Season 2017/18110.5755
408Bully's Heroes50.5750
409Thomas Family & Friends50.5750
410Thomas Family + Friends50.5750
411Lords of Chepstow160.5749
412Predicta Euros 80.5747
413Scottish Auld Baws 100.5747
414Willington Lockdown League130.5747
415Accounts Assassins50.5741
416Prem Predictions50.5741
417Prembet world cup special60.5741
418World Cup 2022 Predicta 100.5741
419Super League150.5733
420World Cup 2018 - not to be taken too seriously80.5733
421Predicta Chaps 2021/22320.5732
422Pirum Predictions League120.5730
4232024/25 Development Dep't Predictor League 200.5728
425Epl 2024/2550.5714
426Euro Special League70.5714
427Meat pie sausage roll60.5714
428Normal service is resumed!!60.5714
429Plymothian Janners110.5714
430QANW Premiership Predictor50.5714
431Roermond Tour 18/1960.5714
432St Andrew's Tavern120.5714
433Davy 2020/21180.5706
434RI World Cup 22160.5705
436Euro Football Legends100.5701
437Huwy does it again110.5701
438Vip League Elite - English Premiership190.5695
439FT World Cup Predictor90.5692
440The Euro’s50.5686
442The Stals World Cup 50.5686
443Roermond on Euro tour140.5685
445Two out of three ain't bad50.5682
447World Cup 202280.5682
448MICKY MOUSE CUP100.5672
449Mossman's Euro Predictor League130.5662
450The curry nite league50.5660
451Retired a team70.5658
452Roar Active Program 90.5658
453BPL - Brown Premier League 60.5652
454BS&T League60.5652
455BS&T Massive60.5652
456Champions league110.5636
457Football's Coming Home!50.5636
458William Hill Region 1 - Women's Euros 80.5632
459Only takes a minute...and a half!190.5622
460Show me da Mané280.5618
461Bertling EURO 2020 League310.5611
462Asda Govan Premiership50.5610
463Office Bragging Rights!70.5610
464PANGAS Euro League60.5606
465Pangas World Cup 202260.5606
467Andy Premier League Predictions Comp80.5600
468championship chipmunks 2 divisions400.5599
469Davy 2018/19130.5593
470EPL Prediction 2023/2470.5593
472Whistl predictor 2024/25120.5583
473On The Interweb Prediction League Season 2016-17 With A Wager On The Side90.5581
474PFC Season 2014/1550.5577
475PremBet 1750.5577
476Stokewood Road Mini-League60.5577
477PFC Euros60.5574
478PFC Season 2015/1660.5574
479La Coupe du Monde 70.5571
480habib che80.5570
482Bugz to beat 60.5556
483Cluster 31750.5556
484Dave to beat (yet again)60.5556
485Motherwellies 140.5556
486PFC Season 2016/1790.5532
488HWD Premier80.5529
489Katy Premiership70.5522
490Cadbury Athletic190.5517
491FT Champions League60.5517
492Football Legends100.5514
493Let's laugh at Southgate80.5513
495Elstead Royal British Legion 170.5494
496Euro League160.5490
497Championship Predictor 370.5486
498Roermond 22/23120.5484
499Roker Enders60.5484
500Roermond 21/22130.5481