Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
501It's all in the stars50.6111
502STFC Foundation U9s 180.6111
504PANGAS Euro League60.6061
505Pangas World Cup 202260.6061
508CEU and friends PS 202170.6056
509Predict The Premiership League190.6029
510Deli allstars 250.6000
511Misters league50.6000
513Erbl league 90.5979
514It Matters More When There's Money On It90.5979
515The Beechwood Premier League70.5974
516The Difference #50.5962
517FT Champions League60.5938
518Willington All Stars60.5938
519Predicta Chaps 2024/25190.5930
520Zonal Euro 2470.5921
521AGSR World Cup60.5909
522ASGR Champions league60.5909
523ASGR Championship60.5909
524ASGR EURO 202060.5909
525World Cup 2022 Predicta 100.5909
526EPL Predict Lah 140.5906
527Saka Potatoes90.5904
528Suck My Predictions 24-2560.5846
529Suck My Predictions Euro 2024 edition60.5846
530The Champions League 80.5833
531Amir EPL League 50.5818
532Ashley Out 50.5818
533Bundesliga 2023/2450.5818
534Meat pie sausage roll50.5818
536Monday club euros50.5818
537Port Vale50.5818
539Cluster 31390.5795
540Serie A150.5793
541Goals Allowed110.5789
542EPL PREDICTION LEAGUE 21/22110.5776
543Squash For ALL90.5773
544Euros 202460.5758
545Peter Torpey's a cult and he'll always be a cult....90.5758
546Shrubb league60.5758
547Shrubb World Cup 202260.5758
548The Shrubb World Cup 201860.5758
549A league of her own140.5753
550Langley Euros League50.5741
551Beer n Curry70.5714
552The Button League (again)60.5692
553Scott's Gamblers Anonymous 130.5683
554Premier Predictors70.5672
555Shrubb league50.5636
556Longs Leprechauns80.5625
557Fergie Time REVAMPED!70.5600
558Universal Soldiers70.5584
560Not so Hotspur60.5577
561Euro League160.5576
562Sporting Beerguts80.5568
563Andover Euro Prediction 2490.5556
564Jerry Soccer League III60.5556
565The best of the best!90.5556
566The Deery WC 18 Challenge 90.5556
567Scott's gamblers anonymous 120.5547
568BG league90.5532
569Ģēniju kauss RUSSIA 201870.5526
570Zonal Euros100.5505
572Zonal WC2018110.5500
573Agile Timid Fly60.5484
574H H Heroin WC70.5469
575Andover Predicts Euro 21100.5455
576Andover World Cup 2022 Challenge 80.5455
577Football's Coming Home!50.5455
578Own Goal50.5455
579Own goal euro50.5455
580Pachesham League 2.0 50.5455
582Zonal Predictor 24-2590.5408
583FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 80.5402
584Hand of Pog60.5385
585Andover 201390.5354
586La Liga150.5333
587Williams Premier100.5333
588League of London70.5325
589Prem league predictions90.5313
590El Sombrero60.5303
592Real madrid fans50.5273
593Kane-ing it in Russia70.5263
594Super League140.5260
595EPL 2023/2490.5253
596EURO2020 LV100.5229
597The Anyone But Pete League!70.5195
599MUV Premier League 60.5152
600Mon the Scotland 110.5128
601Read it and weep50.5122
602klienfelds champions 50.5102
603Mcintosh cup 50.5102
604McIntosh cup Scottish edition 50.5102
605Mcintosh World Cup 50.5102
60619 times *x19 League #stillunbearable70.5079
607Coming forth to Karius home70.5079
608Alan and Brian footy leagu60.5077
609H H Heroin80.5067
610League Of Legends 70.5065
611Bugz to beat 60.5000
612Dave to beat (yet again)60.5000
613European beasts70.5000
614Fantastic beasts and the Hobarts!70.5000
615New Jersey Celtics50.4909
616WGL Euro League50.4906
617WGL+ Super League 2023/24 50.4906
618WGLSL World Cup ‘1850.4906
619WGSL 2018-1950.4906
620WSL 2020 lock down league50.4906
621Jerry Euro 202450.4808
622 The Not So Premier League70.4737
623BG Football League110.4667
624Jim To Beat (again)50.4545
625League of 'tards50.4545
626Lee to beat 50.4545
627Not Russian to work 201850.4545
628Steven to beat50.4545
629Euro 'bout to be Kaned50.4364
630Wales WINNERS !!70.4324
631World Cup 202280.4318
632Beat the Bloggers50.4182