Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
501Bill's World Cup 2022100.6698
502A league of her own150.6688
503Andover World Cup 2022 Challenge 80.6667
504if your any GOOD you should be in my league so join 4 the laugh60.6667
505McDonald’s Footy League 50.6667
506Roermond Tour 18/1960.6667
508Shoedogs Euros60.6667
509Motherwellies 160.6648
511League of London70.6623
512Brothers league70.6622
513LoC Money Competition130.6620
514Jerry Soccer League III60.6615
515DOLBY FC60.6604
516Scooby Doo Cup70.6579
518Ashley Out 50.6545
519Bundesliga 2023/2450.6545
520Vardy’s golden boot 20/21! 50.6545
521Roker Enders60.6515
522The Teabaggers 60.6515
523The Teabaggers World Cup League 60.6515
524Whistl Euro 2016 league60.6515
525Gr8 Football Minds - Euro League80.6512
526GR8 Football Minds - WC 202280.6512
528Allianz Engineering50.6481
529Stortford Football Experts50.6481
530Hand of Pog60.6462
531Spurs' Nutters League (Only Spurs fans)100.6442
532Fark Footie World Dumpster Fire Cup60.6441
53319 times *x19 League #stillunbearable70.6438
534Coming forth to Karius home70.6438
535JDI - Euro 202080.6437
536Prem league predictions110.6429
537LMS Euro Championship 140.6405
538English Premier League for Thai Predictor70.6400
539Numpties World Cup120.6385
5402 clarets 1red 1white an owl and some dont know70.6364
5412clearets 1white2reds and an owl70.6364
544Cluster 31750.6364
545Take a chance...50.6364
546Singapore World Cup 2018110.6339
547Veolia pot Hunters110.6325
548PTP 2k 24/2580.6322
549European Champs Itch....whaaaat60.6316
5505 amigos60.6308
5522019/2020 Prediction League 90.6277
553H H Heroin WC70.6250
5543 Points No Receipt Nice Day50.6222
555League of champions50.6222
556Paisley Predictor League 50.6222
557PFS and 1 night shift guy 50.6222
558Langley Euros League50.6182
559Mini Scottish 50.6182
560The League of Stars60.6154
561Our World Cup90.6122
564Oz Predicts50.6111
565Depit league90.6105
566Prembet 24/2570.6104
567CAF Christensen Cup50.6078
568Christensen Caf Euro Cup50.6078
569PFC Euros60.6061
570PFC Season 2015/1660.6061
571PremBet 1860.6061
572Prembet world cup special60.6061
573They think it's all over....120.6031
574Cluster 313100.6019
576BNY Melon Poole60.6000
578They think It's All Over80.6000
579FT Champions League50.5962
580FT Euro League 201650.5962
581Sporty Rubbish Euros70.5942
582the Spivey McGill trophy @ Qatar '2270.5942
583Fergie Time REVAMPED!90.5938
584Accounts Assassins50.5926
585The Gimp League 2024/25 (In memory of Dennis & Jim)120.5909
587Davy 2018/19140.5906
588Euro Ins and Outs60.5873
589What's an office? 21/2250.5849
590Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2560.5846
591Brit/Am World Cup 202260.5846
592Euros 202460.5846
593Mythos Cup 6 70.5844
594Fark Euros Clown Shoe Dumpster Fire league60.5833
595Fa cup 201950.5818
596Euro 2020 League80.5814
597Nearly in Doubt 80.5814
598The League Of Football Fanatics 24/2580.5814
599PFC Season 2016/1790.5773
600Rose & Crown Piss Pots80.5747
601The Relegators90.5747
602Jerry Euro 202450.5741
6032024 Euros Prediction League70.5714
604POW Super Champions League70.5714
605Predict 24/2560.5692
606Euro's Elite.50.5636
607just another mini-league50.5636
609Depit 2018 wc80.5595
610ZILIGIN 70.5584
611It’s Coming Home 202270.5571
612Bertling EURO 2024 League50.5556
613Bertling Premier League50.5556
614Bertling World Cup 201850.5556
615Pirum 2021 European Championship Predicta Competition 60.5517
618Isoprime - the buffet slayers50.5455
619Isoprime - the buffet slayers50.5455
620Les Tueurs de la Restes50.5455
621Tommy Baldwin70.5455
622PFC Season 2017/18120.5391
623WLG WC202250.5370
624EPL 2023/2490.5354
625CEU and friends PS 202170.5325
626Roar Active Program 90.5306
627Mines a Pint50.5273
628PFC Season 2014/1550.5273
630WGL Euro League60.5156
631WGL+ Super League 2023/24 60.5156
632PremBet 1750.5091
633Andy Premier League Predictions Comp80.5057
634Kings of Europe60.5000
635EPL Predict Lah 140.4861
636Two out of three ain't bad50.4773
637Corporate Services 2020 202170.4648
638CEU and friends50.4545
640Stokewood Road Mini-League60.4348
641Andy's EURO's Prediction Comp50.4259
642WGLSL World Cup ‘1850.4259
643WGSL 2018-1950.4259
644WSL 2020 lock down league50.4259
645Amir EPL League 50.3462