Minileague vs Minileague Standings

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You must have at least 5 active players in your mini-league to appear in this table.
PosName# playersAverage Score
501NSC World Cup League50.4286
502030 ETE League60.4237
503UK Implementation Team - World Cup 201860.4237
505Cartoon Capers50.4200
506So you think you know football?90.4186
508Whistl Euro 2016 league60.4138
509DOLBY FC50.4082
510Alan and Brian footy leagu60.4000
511Brit/Am Premier League 2024-2560.4000
512Brit/Am World Cup 202260.4000
513Euros 202460.4000
514PANGAS Euro League60.4000
515Pangas World Cup 202260.4000
517Suck My Predictions 24-2550.4000
518Suck My Predictions Euro 2024 edition50.4000
519Sporting Beerguts60.3929
520The Beechwood Premier League70.3913
521AGSR World Cup60.3684
522ASGR Champions league60.3684
523ASGR Championship60.3684
524ASGR EURO 202060.3684
525ANZ Technology50.3600
526ANZ Technology New Zealand50.3600
527Go-Ahead World Cup 2018 50.3600
528Universal Soldiers50.3542
529They think It's All Over50.2000